LA BOTTEGA DEL CAFFE' di Patrizia Moscadelli Sinalunga

LA BOTTEGA DEL CAFFE' di Patrizia Moscadelli
53048 Sinalunga via Piave, 43
Telephone 338 8211355
Time: 9,30 - 12,30 e 15,30 - 19,30
Closed: Domenica e Lunedì mattina
Business card (vCard)

Also available are many liqueurs of "Tana Elf", Photo various packages of homemade honey and almond biscuits with: ITALY Whole roasted hazelnuts, Photo pine nuts, Photo almonds, Photo raisins, Photo always of local artisan production.
Then you can not miss the famous coffee "Cremone", beans or macinaro, to purchase at your will.
In short, many good things to enjoy that deserve your visit soon!