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Gardens and Landscapes

Strada del Pecorile


This road that starts from the ex Porta Massini heading south, along the public gardens, h...

Giardino Donato di Becco


Donato Di Becco (1280-1348), a notary by profession, stopped at nothing to carry out his d...

Il poggio


In this area there are some farms about 4 kilometres from Asciano, along the Via Lauretana...

Le Fontanelle


In this area there are two farms along the Via Lauretana Antica which leads from Asciano t...

Menchiari (Santa Caterina)


It is a resort made up of two farmhouses between Vescona and Mucigliani, along the Via Lau...



The name of this ancient farmhouse in bricks comes from the fact that it rises on a hill e...

Monumento Artemio Franchi


An unmistakable golden stele is outside a curve just before the farmhouse “Mezzavi...

Strada bianca di Medane


It is a country road which, a little after the village of Arbia, going towards Asciano alo...

Strada bianca di Montauto da Lucignano d'Arbia ad Asciano


Shortly after the town of Lucignano d'Arbia, proceeding towards Buonconvento, a dirt r...

Strada provinciale di Palazzo Venturi da Asciano a Chiusure


Questo tratto di strada asfaltata Collega il capoluogo di asciano con il villaggio di Chiu...

Terrazza sulla Valdarbia


Small pitch between two large cypress trees at the edge of Ancient Loreto, in the stretch ...

Torrente Bestina e i suoi Mulini


The Bestina stream is born on the slopes of Serre di Rapolano, more precisely among the tr...