BIMBUS, abbigliamento per bambini da 0 a 14 anni Siena

BIMBUS, abbigliamento per bambini da 0 a 14 anni
53100 Siena, Strada Massetana Romana, 2
Telephone 0577 601724
Fax 0577 601724
Website: http://www.bimbus.it/
Business card (vCard)

In 2000 Bimbus renews its concept organization operating in a strategic way in the various sectors making innovations and improvements, focusing on the activities of brand image and the transactions related to the distribution channel, thus become increasingly efficient.
Since then, considerable investments have always been made for the re-launch of the brand and the quality of the proposed lines.
Bimbus collections offer a wide range of modern garments, in line with the latest fashion trends and the needs of its clients: children.