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029 Tarsia pavimentale dell'Esagono centrale - Uccisione dei profeti di Baal Siena
Artist: Domenico Beccafumi
Year: 1519-1524
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Elijah tells the people to massacre all the priests of Baal, and the massacre is in the foreground with the use of swords, sticks and stones. In the background shows Elijah King Ahab like the end of idolatry is appreciated by God that sends a first cloud full of rain (I Kings 18: 40-45). The end of the drought is evidenced from the tree in the center of the scene back lush (as in the scene of the Covenant was dry). The design of Beccafumi stands for the balance of the composition and the elegant orchestration of the action.
029 Tarsia pavimentale dell'Esagono centrale - Uccisione dei profeti di Baal