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Via Crucis, Stazione 06 - Santa Veronica asciuga il volto di Gesù Asciano

Via Crucis, Stazione 06 - Santa Veronica asciuga il volto di Gesù

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Artist: Francesco Francini
Year: 1790
Current location: Basilica Millenaria di S.Agata
Original location: Basilica Millenaria di S.Agata


  • In search of the face of God

He receives the imprint of the face of Christ who accompanies Christ on the way to the cross, like Veronica; who accompanies him in the passion that he continues to suffer today in his members: in the poor, in the despised, in sinners left to themselves, in the last.
He receives the imprint of the face of Christ on his face and becomes an indelible manifestation of mercy towards the least, towards the children of no one.

Via Crucis, Stazione 06 - Santa Veronica asciuga il volto di Gesù


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